5 Ways You Can Brighten Up January
The dark winter days of January can feel a little bleak after all the magic of the holidays so we’ve come up with 5 ways you can brighten up your January! *Spoiler alert none of them include resolutions of any sort! We all deserve a break this winter!
1. January is the height of citrus season.For some reason we equate citrus flavors with the warmth of summer, but January is actually the peak of citrus growing and you can find all sorts of delightful fresh citrus at your local grocery store. Pick up a new variety to try, or host a little taste testing party with your family to pick out your favorite orange. You can even decorate for the occasion using some of our party fans!
2. Make self-care a priority.Grab a face mask, paint your nails, fill up a big bubble bath! Do whatever you need to relax and feel a little pampered during these bleak winter month! (winter white image)
3. Just because the holidays are over doesn’t mean all the decor has to go away! Our Winter White Collection was designed with the whole winter season in mind! So hang up a set of snowflake inspired fans, silvery glittered stars and a string of twinkle lights and enjoy the coziness it brings to your home all Winter long.
4. Cozy up! Grab your favorite blanket, pick up a new book, and cuddle up with your favorite warm drink in one of our cute to-go cups! 5. Small acts of Kindness maybe benefit others but they also make the giver feel better too! Did you know January 24th is Give a Compliment Day? We love a good made up holiday and this one just maybe our favorite. We love that there is a day to remember to complement all the people around you. And remember it doesn’t have to be in person, send a text, drop-off a card, or email a friend to let them know how much you admire them! We just may do it with a banner to tell the world!
Use these 5 tools and the January Blues won’t get the best of you!
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